Orthopedic regenerative sports medicine: info@austinorthobio.com

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A Biologic Alternative for ACL Repair

Video 1: https://youtu.be/wQEeeCrzFGE 

Typical ski - associated proximal ACL tear at ~10 days.

"Needle" arthroscopic view, after MRI confirmation.

Note the hemarthrosis/healing environment, preserved by the closed Nanoscope technique, and the generally well-aligned ligament (except for the partial PL flap).

Middle-aged female, occasional recreational athlete, strongly desired "conservative" care.Video 2: https://youtu.be/aaviAHjYEm0 

BMC injected with an 18 ga spinal needle into multiple proximal ligament attachment sites. Note the "closed" Nanoscope system (without outflow), capturing both intra-ligament and intra-articular BMC/PPP products.

Patient is immobilized in slight flexion/allowed gentle PROM and protected weight-bearing for 3 weeks.

Firm endpoint at 6 wks.

Is this a new "healing response" algorithm for proximal/partial ACL tears?Kelly Cunningham MDAustin OrthoBiologicsBoard-certified orthopedic surgeonFellowship trained sports medicine Arthroscopy and regenerative medicine specialistPRP and cellular "stem cell" therapyaustinorthobio.com  

Orthopedic regenerative sports medicine: info@austinorthobio.com

Dr. Kelly Cunningham; Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Kelly Cunningham Physician

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