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ACL recon augment with the Artelon Flexgraft

To help bulk up an autologous semitendinosis ACL graft, a bit deficient in diameter (gracilis was not adequate), I chose to augment with:                                                                                                                     Artelon "Flexband Plus"

            Photo 1 (left): after preparation                                                            Photo 2: after implantation

-reproduces the modulus of elasticity of normal ligament.

-gradually resorbs over several years.

-recent RCT shows no adverse effects at 4 years and minimal complications (Lars Peterson MD).

-provides an excellent scaffold for Biologics (in this case, PRP).

-reimbursed as an implant, similar to suture anchors; "off-the-shelf" availability.


With all the interest in biologics and augmentation, this may be one alternative for “stress sharing” instead of stress shielding.

Orthopedic regenerative techniques continue to evolve, to the benefit of our patients!                             

To learn more about Dr. Cunningham's practice, please contact us!

Kelly Cunningham MDAustin OrthoBiologics | austinorthobio.comBoard Certified Orthopedic SurgeonFellowship trained sports medicine   Arthroscopy and regenerative medicine specialistPRP and cell-based (formerly "stem cell") therapy, either office-based &/or combined w/ surgery

Knee & shoulder cartilage injury/arthritis specialist, delay or avoid joint replacement 


Dr. Kelly Cunningham Physician

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