An Alternative Method of Meniscus Root Tear Fixation with Biologic Augmentation
Part 1:
Would you fix this medial meniscus root tear in a 58-year-old with grade 3 compartmental changes? How would you fix it?
Part 2:
Horizontal and vertical mattress all-inside suture/suture anchor fixation into vascular capsule; added a third “bridging anchor”posteriorly. Bone fixation was felt too inferior/non-anatomic.
Part 3:
PRP injection with spinal needle fenestration.
Kelly Cunningham MD Austin OrthoBiologics Board-certified orthopedic surgeon Fellowship trained Sports medicine Arthroscopy and Regenerative medicine specialist PRP and cellular "stem cell" therapy
Orthopedic regenerative sports medicine:
Dr. Kelly Cunningham; Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon