Dr. Kelly Cunningham attends the Cartilage Restoration and Joint Preservation Society conference!

Earlier this month, Dr. Kelly Cunningham attended the Cartilage Restoration and Joint Preservation Society conference in Vancouver, Canada Oct 5-8, where international faculty and speakers presented the latest research and treatment options for articular cartilage injuries. In addition, stem cells and platelet-rich plasma Biologics were reviewed and recommendations (based on European and North American studies) were made and discussed.
Some of the interesting topics:
Osteoarthritis biomarkers, to more easily & identify earlier those at risk of arthritis.
Discussions of exosomes, a stem cell product, to exert a “cell-free” effect on healing joint arthritis.
Updated surgical techniques for grafting of joint cartilage injuries, including a patient’s own stem cells for a “single surgery”.
Review of United States FDA approval of products and expected future trends.
Improved use of MRI to approximate the size of knee cartilage lesions prior to surgery.
Osteochondral allografts for use in the repair of cartilage defects.
In order to get you back to training or your active lifestyle as fast as possible, and most importantly without pain, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kelly Cunningham at Austin Ortho Biologics. He can provide several innovative treatment pathways to restore cartilage health and function, decrease pain, and promote healing. Please call 512-410-0767 today!
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