Failed Knee Cartilage MicroFracture; Revision MACI Procedure

40 yr-old female athlete with large, missed (on MRI) MFC chondral lesion; initial microfracture (mfx), continued medial pain and loss of function after ACL surgery healed. Cartilage biopsy sample sent for lab growth at initial surgery, as an alternative if mfx failed -
Video 1 - inadequate mfx fibrocartilage response, wt-bearing medial chondral surface
Still - debrided/MACI graft in place, fibrin glue
Video 2 - stable ROM of MACI graft
Query - how many surgeons would have preferred "2nd surgery" MACI as initial treatment, as opposed to waiting on mfx failure, as most insurance plans currently "require"??
Kelly Cunningham MD
Austin OrthoBiologics austinorthobio.com 512-410-0767
Expert , board-certified orthopedic surgery consultation and treatment in:
Sports medicine, knee & shoulder injuries
Regenerative medicine, non-surgical treatment options for early arthritis
Cell-based "stem cell" & PRP modalities, surgery & in-office applications
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