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FSA and HSA accounts can be used for Biologics

An interesting article in the Wall Street Journal (“Check on Your FSA Now, or Be Stuck Buying Sunscreen in December”, WSJ 11/4/22) reminds employees that if they have a FSA (flexible savings account) set up for 2022, they must use the funds by the end of the year as they will not carry over to 2023.  This is in contradistinction to an HSA (health savings account), where the money can accumulate year-after-year.

For the “Flex” account, this is especially important as 2022 comes to an end, as employees have been allowed to carry over contributions from 2020 and 2021 due to one-time pandemic exceptions:

“Since the pandemic began, many workers have been spared the annual deadline for using up their FSAs. This year, the clock is ticking once again and any money not spent by December 31 might be gone for good. ”

Why not consider treating that knee, shoulder hip pain or even tennis elbow/hamstring problems?

Biologic treatments, such as PRP (platelet rich plasma) and cell-based (formerly “stem cell”) therapy offer that as an alternative to surgery; these “weekend warrior” sport injuries may hamper your snow ski season and spring and summer sports if you don’t address them now.

Or pursue improved mobility and pain relief from early to moderate arthritis of these joints.

These can be done as a stand-alone procedure in the office or in conjunction with minor surgery for things like meniscus tears in the knee and rotator cuff/labral tears of the shoulder.

All the products are prepared using your own cells in concentrated fashion to help improve function, relieve pain and promote joint health.

So don’t delay, schedule an appointment in our office for evaluation.

And remember, HSA contributions can be used for biologic treatments as well.

Kelly Cunningham MD

Austin OrthoBiologics

Board-certified orthopedic surgeon, Regenerative sports medicine

               austinorthobio.com     info@austinorthobio.com


Dr. Kelly Cunningham Physician

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